About Us
It all started with a look, one quick glance from across the room and I knew it was love! We have always loved animals, ever since I could remember there was always some sort of fur creature lurking around the corner. It took a really special cat to steal my heart and inspire us to share our story. A story that is not often told. A story of a cat and her owners! I know what you are thinking, “yeah, yeah, sounds like every other weird cat blog out there”. I can assure you, we are different. This blog isn’t just about our experiences with our queen of the darkness, Porsche; this blog is all about her story from a very fuzzy perspective!
This was our original mission, however time got the best of us and now we have a bit of a casting change. August 3, 2018 is a day that we will never forget. It was the day our lives would feel a little more empty and the world not a bright as the day before. This is the day we said goodbye to Porsche. She had been a staple in my life for 11 years prior, in good times, bad times and even a life changing across country move! She made sure we felt comfortable and settled in before she took her final journey. She is missed everyday, but we do see some of her traits in our new crew that are filling in her paw prints and taking our world by storm!