There is a saying that you are never really alone when you have a cat. They are always there lurking in the shadows, waiting to attack your feet from under the bed when you get up in the middle of the night. Purring on the back of the couch while you watch a scary movie and keep throwing popcorn everywhere (they are also your clean up crew afterwards).
They are the first thing to greet you in the morning, usually with paws in your face or the ever present cat butt; begging for food since they can see the bottom of their bowl. The one thing you are almost guaranteed to trip over while trying to leave the house with your coffee in one hand and your bag, keys and jacket all balancing ever so carefully in the other. They really just want you to stay home and cater to their every whim - it comes from a place of love and servitude (you being the servant).
After a long hard day at work, through the meetings, never ending workload, that one co-worker you just can't stand; all you really want to do is come home and relax, tomorrow is another day! Guess who will be there as soon as you open the door? Probably not your cat, but they are close by, sleeping on your freshly washed dress pants you where going to wear tomorrow or creating claw art on your couch you just bought last week. Nonetheless they are there to welcome you home, eventually, with the songs of their people cried repetitively until the bottom of their food bowl can no longer be seen.
Once they have fed, they will come and offer their assistance while you are slaving away over a hot stove to prepare. Many times just narrowly missing their tail as you weave back and forth between the stove and the other counter, gathering ingredients and throwing dirty dishes into the sink. Finally, your food is ready - time to sit back, relax and enjoy the fruits of your labour. Ahhhh, just what you needed, or so you thought! The mooching begins, sometimes with a little meow, sometimes with the tiny paw coming closer and closer to your plate. How can you say no to that fuzzy face with those giant eyes? You don't and either give in or play the flying plate game while you carefully dodge your cat's advances before finally giving up and just stand up to finish your dinner.
With dinner done it's time to catch up on the latest releases from Netflix! Move over throw pillows and random feather toys and tin foil balls - it's time to kick back and...that is where your missing elastic bands have gone! Stuck in between the couch cushions. You have only been looking for those since sometime last week when you needed to seal up a bag of pasta, which ended up falling out of the cupboard and went everywhere on your kitchen floor the following day! Out of no where a large fuzzy blob jumps towards your face, with little time to react you let out a scream and fly back into the couch cushions. After a few seconds you realize it's just your cat and can start breathing again. They come up to your lap and walk in circles while kneeding your leg with their tiny yet razor sharp claws. You grin and bare it since this is one of those odd times your cat is actually showing some sort of affection towards you. Finally they curl up on your lap in the most tightly wound ball and begin to purr...then you realize you have to pee. Oh well, your bladder will swell and you will be in great discomfort, but no matter what; one does not move a sleeping, purring cat! You sit there and watch in amazement this ball of fur, marvel at it's tiny jelly bean like toes and fall ever further in love with your cat!